Each week in worship we are offered an opportunity to contribute our ‘loose change’ to a missional partner. Here is a list of 2024 collections.
- January–New Path Pregnancy Center
- February–Epiphany Prison Ministry
- March–Elementary School Nurse
- April–Bellefontaine Elementary School Backpack Lunch Program
- May–Raising Arrows, OH
- June–Vacation Bible School
- July– Doors of Encouragement
- August–Mexico Medical Missions
- September–Warm Clothes for Kids
- October–Pastor’s Discressionary Fund
- November–Last Thursday Meals
- December–Christmas Angel Project
Last Thursday Meal– On the last Thursday of each month, quality meals are provided to our community either as a dine-in experience or through local delivery. Sharon Walden heads up this mission and would be glad to have extra hands to help. Hours are 12:30 – 3:30 for prep work, 3:30 – 6 for guest assistance, prayer partner from 4:30 – 5:30 and clean up from 5:30-7. Please contact Sharon at (937)210-1072 if you are available and would like to participate
Red Cross Blood Donations–The
We collect new school supplies for a United Way initiative. A collection bin will be available the last week of July. Items should be back to the church by August 20th.
Warm Clothes for Kids